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How to get a GST Invoice from Google Ads

Updated: Feb 22, 2019


From the 1st November 2018, Google will be charging GST on all NZ AdWords accounts.

A copy of your Google Ads GST Tax Invoice will be available to download in PDF format from approximately the 5th business day of the month.

Only “Billing contacts” are able to view and download payment information so if you require any additional people to have access you will need to have them added by whomever has admin access to your account.

From the 1st November 2018, Google will be charging GST on all NZ AdWords accounts.

Steps to download a GST Tax Invoice from your Google Ads account:

    1. Sign in with your Google login at https://pay.google.com
    2. Click Manage on your Subscription/Service tile for AdWords
    3. Click View Transactions & Documents, from the Transactions tile
    4. Set a date range that covers the period you require an invoice for (default is last 3 months)
    5. Scroll down to the Documents section of the required month
    6. Click the link for the New Zealand Tax Invoice
    7. Save to your desired location

    Or if you have an older account follow these steps:

    To download a copy of your Tax Invoice from your Google Ads account:

    1. Sign in to your Google Ads account at ads.google.com
    2. Open the tools menu by clicking the spanner icon at the top of the screen
    3. Select Billing & Payments
    4. Click Transactions from the menu on the left hand side
    5. Set a date range that covers the period you require an invoice for (default is last 3 months)
    6. Scroll down to the Documents section of the required month
    7. Click the link for the New Zealand Tax Invoice
    8. Save to your desired location

    Pop-up blockers may prevent the invoice from downloading so ensure that your browser will allow for pop-ups.

    At this stage it’s not possible to set up a scheduled email of your monthly tax invoice from Google.

    You will also find a link to download a statement for the calendar month here as well. This provides detail of opening and closing balances and credit card transactions that occurred during the period.

    If you require assistance with managing your Google Ads, please contact Adhesion today.

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